Great lyrics
I loved the lyrics of the song, great parody.
And you're singing wasnt that bad. Honest.
Great lyrics
I loved the lyrics of the song, great parody.
And you're singing wasnt that bad. Honest.
So short, I wondered if there was anything after the endless music. Drawn okay, although I didn't have MUCH OF IT TO SEE.
The spritework was a bit iffy at times, but I'm glad to see you gave credit.
Mario Parody?
More like cruddy music video. Ok lip-synch but terribly boring, not funny movie.
You made a decent description, some decent titles, then ruined it all? What were you thinking? We'd find it funny? Well, you're wrong.
that was just to get you to watch it
Okay, randomness
I thought it was okay, a bit random in places. Thanks for the warning though.
Yeah, i didn't want to be one of of those who make you crap your pants ;)
Good take on Aladdin intro...but was just that.
I thought it was done really well, but was only an intro, sadly. I expected more.
No menu, either, and was a bit too similar to the intro of Aladdin.
Okay short movie
Decent, good sound, good graphics, bit random, bit short. Okay, I guess. Maybe...a bit more extra style, story... and a replay button! GRR!
haha sorry about how much i suck :)
Joined on 6/24/05